Ava DuVernay and Autumn Riley
Ava DuVernay was born on the 24th of August 1972 in Long Beach California. DuVernay discovered her love for art from her grandmother Denise. Her aunt, a night-shift nurse, let her pursue art literature and the theater in the daylight. DuVernay was introduced to the 1961 movie West Side Story by her aunt. DuVernay discovered through her example the power of art as an instrument for social activism. DuVernay learned to be socially mindful through her mother. DuVernay was a summer resident of Lowndes County Alabama, where her father was born and raised. Her father was awed by the Civil Rights movement's historic march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, in adjacent Selma Alabama. DuVernay's summers spent in Alabama's Selma influence her later on to create the film about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. DuVernay received her high school diploma in Saint Joseph High School, Lakewood California in 1990. After graduating she attended her first year at the University of California Los Angeles which she graduated with qualifications in English as well as African American studies. DuVernay began to develop an interest in the field of broadcast journalism while a student. She worked as a CBS News intern during the O.J. Simpson trial. DuVernay remembers being assigned to watch the home of a member of the jury as well as look through their trash. Her work left her dissatisfied in journalism, so she made the decision to go into the publicity industry. DuVernay got a job right from college, working as a young publicist for a studio. The DuVernay Agency is her first PR agency. In addition to PR her agency launched a number of marketing and lifestyle platforms, such as Urban Beauty Collective, the Urban Beauty Collective, Urban Thought Collective, Urban Eye and HelloBeautiful. Autumn Riley.............................Autumn Riley was born in Los Angeles United States. Autumn Riley was born under the zodiac sign of. The actress is well-known for her role in American Experience, (1987) A More Perfect Union and A More Perfect Union (2009). Autumn was the Rose of A More Perfect Union and Anna Payne of American Experience.
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